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2. Brown, K. Manual for survival : a Chernobyl guide to the future / Kate Brown. – New York [etc.] : W. W. Norton & Company, 2019. – [9], 420 p.
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8. Lubarsky, C. La tragedia de Chernóbyl / Cronid Lubarsky ; trad. de A. Olivares. – Barcelona : Circulo de lectores, 1991. – 212 p.
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11. One decade after Chernobyl : summing up the consequences of the accident : intern. conf. held in Vienna, 8–12 Apr. 1996 : poster presentations. – Vienna : IAEA, 1997. – Vol. 2. – [12], 699 p.
12. One decade after Chernobyl : summing up the consequences of the accident : proc. of an intern. conf. held in Vienna, Austria, 8–12 Apr. 1996. – Vienna : IAEA, 1996. – [10], 555 p.
13. Permanent People's Tribunal session on Chernobyl : environmental, health and human rights implications : Vienna, Austria, 12–15 Apr. 1996. – Roma [etc.] : Permanent People's Tribunal [etc.], 1996. – 233, [8] p.
14. Research activities about the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl NPS accident and social activities to assist the sufferers by the accident : rep. of an intern. collab. work under the res. grant of the Toyota found. in 1995–1997 / ed. by T. Imanaka. – Kyoto : Res. Reactor Inst. Kyoto Univ., 1998. – VI, 278 p.
15. Savchenko,V. K. The ecology of the Chernobyl catastrophe : sci. outlines of an intern. progr. of collab. res. / V. K. Savchenko. – Paris : UNESCO ; New York : Parthenon Publ., 1995. – XIX, 200 p. – (Man and the biosphere series / ed. J. N. R. Jeffers ; vol. 16).
16. The affected areas: my view of the future… : a coll. of student essays / [ed.: V. V. Rzheutskaya] ; [comp. by Z. I. Trafimchik] ; [transl.: V. V. Yaskevich] ; [ed. board: N. N. Tsybulko, V. V. Antipenko] ; Dep. for Mitigation of the Consequences of the Catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP [etc.]. – [2nd ed.]. – Minsk : Inst. of Radiology, 2015. – 106 p.